
Tag Archives: free will

Free will doesn’t exist – the universe is ‘scripted’.

I like this idea. In a way it relieves me in knowing that everything that happens does so, not for any purpose, but through inevitability. It’s unavoidable, so I should not worry about or regret anything. Of course, I do not use this as an excuse to do whatever I please… I’m straying from the subject so I’ll get back to it. In my last post (Sims: What is ‘time’ – exploring the fourth dimension.), I discussed ideas surrounding the third-dimensional universe and the fourth dimension itself. It would highly recommend reading it first, so as to fully grasp the concepts I want to put forward here.

To begin, look at the idea of time (or the fourth dimension to be scientifically accurate). Imagine it as a line, stretching from the moment of the universe’s conception (the past) all the way to the future, whatever that may be. On this line is a point, the present, constantly moving forward into the future. Now I’m going to keep this short and sweet; when we look back to events in the past, nothing changes. Of course it doesn’t, it just would not make sense if it did. The Allies and Axis can’t have both won the Second World War in two separate scenarios; it doesn’t work. Nothing changes, no matter where in the past we look to, no matter how far back. So surely the same must be true for the future?

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